Mrs B is one cool lady. She is insightful and fabulous. We have been following her blog and Facebook pages for a while now and we recommend you follow her as well. You will truly be inspired.


A Special blog post from Mrs B herself!
When asked to write about my sacred space, it took me a bit to decide what to write about.  Should I write about my primary altar in my bedroom?  The area where I store all my bottles of herbs, tinctures and oils?  My kitchen and it’s Hestia altar, where I mix up meals for my family?  Or maybe my witchy garden?  Though as a Domestic Witch, I’ve always considered my whole home sacred, I never stopped to realize that I didn’t really have one particular place that is “extra sacred” anymore, like I used to when I first started on my Pagan path. 

Back in my early days, when I was still “in the broom closet” to friends and family, my books stayed in a box along with any magical tools or altar supplies that could not be passed off as something mundane.  They came out whenever I needed to do any workings or ritual.  I created a sacred space on an “as needed” basis.

Then came the time where I was newly “out”.  I created a central altar, a place where I prayed daily.  My sacred space was recreated with each season and contained little marvels that I collected just for the space.  And more time went by…

Over the years, my sacred space started to leak out into the rest of the house.  My bookshelves overflowed, and more went up into the living room.  I started growing more herbs and selling them, so I needed more area to stock, which turned into more shelves.  My kitchen got it’s own altar.  A household guardian statue took it’s place facing my front door.  Little charms and protective mojo bags hang next to doorways, the corners of rooms often have herbs strewn in them.  Herbs hang drying from about any place they fit.

So where is my sacred place these days?  I’d say my entire house is my sacred space.  Each room has been filled with my Craft, almost every room has an associated deity of some sort.  Each contains a variety of sacred tools.  It might sometimes be cluttered, it definitely contains too many cats and you might find a french fry or two under the couch cushions, but every inch of it is sacred to me.

This awesome woman I met when doing a personal giveaway on my Irishgoddess blog and she won. She has an awesome blog and an even better personality. You can find her button located on the side.
To see more from sherry go to:

http://sherrysenicardesigns.blogspot.com/ Personal Blog
http://sherry-sherrysenicardesigns.blogspot.com/ Personal Wiccan Design Blog

By Sherry Senicar aka AutumnTurtle

I live on the main floor of a house well over 100 yrs old, there is tons of dark walnut woodwork, a wonderful (none usable) fireplace, broken old pocket doors and a lovely front porch and tiny back porch.  Ghosts and spirits are plenty in my home.

As a practicing Wiccan, sacred space is very important to me since I suffer from a depression disorder it is important for me to have sacred space in each of my rooms.

Above my sink is a lovely window that doesn’t open due to the old rope pulleys being broken, so my son put a shelf up so that I could put a small altar over the sink and across the window sill.  I have a basil plant, a few candles, many crystals a Goddess tea light holder a mini wand I was gifted by a tree at my office a shell with sand from Cuba and a small cauldron to burn my sage or incense while I work in the kitchen.  I feel the God & Goddess’ love and protection there and know I am creating love while I cook or clean there.  My kitchen is tiny so it isn’t my favorite sacred space, but it is there for me when I need it.

Dining Room/Computer Room
This is were my seasonal altar is set up and above my computer is a wall altar to inspire me to create my pagan/wiccan cross stitch patterns as well as other cross stitch patterns.
It is just a simple wire 2-teir shelf with 2 of my designs hanging from the bottom, the horned God symbol and the triple Goddess symbol.  It has an oil burner, feathers, big quartz crystal, citrine and some other crystals a small besom hangs from the top with a tiny black cat on it and I have a beautiful Abalone shell that I keep my smudge wand away from my cats.  This room is my favorite sacred space, I have pictures of different  Goddess’ on the plate rail around the room, paintings of witches on the walls, Bast statues and lovely old windows that let the sun in and warm the space!  I ground myself in this room, I have the bulk of my crystals in there, cross stitch and hand-made items on the wall and plate rails.  I feel a calming vibe in this part of my house and am usually in this space or in my bedroom that is right off this room.

Fireplace in Living room
I have a lovely triple Goddess cloth I bought at a pagan pride festival, on the cloth I have a couple of incense burners, another cauldron, a stunning sage scented Goddess candle, some crystals along with a lovely Goddess statue I treated myself too not too long ago and on each side, of these treasures, I have a bunch of pictures of my ancestors.

Front Porch
I have a porch that goes right across the front of my house with a double seat swing and a small metal table set up with plants everywhere, wind chimes, flowers, a statue of Buddha along with a bowl of sand and shells.  In that I often have incense lit along with 2 tea light hurricane lanterns.  It is peaceful and serene.  It makes a wonderful sacred space when it is not too hot or muggy out.
Happy Sunday everyone!  Kristina and I have been working hard to get our website up and keep working as September 1st is quickly approaching.

One thing we have in our village is our store where you can buy all sorts of neat crafts that Kristina and I make.

We love to make various items and will be listing some of them shortly. We will be selling all sorts of items from word plaques, key chains, bookmarks and much more.

Here is a sneak peek at Kristina and I having a blast with our crafts.

Lots of love!


Don’t forget to come back often as we are updating with all new fabulous thing that you don’t want to miss. 

This is a post from my personal blog that I am carrying over here.  I originally posted this Jan 3rd, 2011

I have found my word for the year. Also, I found a mascot. Well, I could say that I found a mascot and then my word. Hmm. Chicken. Egg. Chicken. Egg.
I digress.
My fiance and I split up on Christmas Eve. It was a really hard decision, and I don't want to get into the specifics of it on here. We have been struggling for quite some time, and this is for the best. Throughout the last 6 months, I have been struggling within. Trying to figure out what I need to be happy, and authentic to me. Coincidentally, "authentic" was my word for 2010. I don't know that I am all the way there, but I see some definite clarity. Now I need to take this process further.
So I was at a gas station one day and right by the register they had these animals carved in stone, and an adorable little brown owl caught my eye. I bought it on the spot. Then I was thinking that day about my owl. Who. That is what came to mind. Who. Now this is my word for 2011.

Who am I?
Who are you to think you can treat me the way you do?
Who do I think you are to allow you to treat me that way?
Who do I want to be?

A lot of people think a good date consists of lavish dinners at fancy restaurants, romantic canoe rides, etc. But sometimes, the best dates are quiet nights in filled with movies, popcorn and an amazing dinner that you cooked. Here are some tips on how to make the date night of your year with out spending tons of money.
Below I have marked a couple sexy and sweet stay at home dates for you to try....

Italian Night   Italy is seen as a country of romance and passion. Feel the Italian blood coursing through your veins by having an Italian-themed stay-at-home evening. Make pizza or a favorite pasta dish for your loved one, and have gelato or tiramisu for desert. Serve dinner at a candle-lit table and play some Italian opera music. Learn a few romantic phrases in Italian to utter to your partner as you look deeply into her eyes.

Indoor Beach  You don't have to live near the coast to enjoy a day at the beach. It doesn't even have to be warm outside; just turn up that heating and get in your bathing suit. Lie two beach towels out on the floor, slap on some suntan lotion and put your sunglasses on. It will feel like you're enjoying a warm summer's day on the beach together. Now settle down for some conversation with your partner over a romantic picnic and fruity cocktails.

Under the Stars  Looking up at the stars with your partner is very romantic. But, you don't have to brave the elements in order to stargaze. Buy some glow-in-the-dark stars from a toy store or craft store and stick them up on the ceiling. Make sure you leave the lights on before your night in, to charge them up. When your date starts, just turn out the lights, turn on your partner's favorite music and relax under the stars

Lots of love!


I have been thinking about Goddess a lot lately and Goddess from our past and wondered who I was the most similar too. That got me thinking. I typed it in Google and found this super cool web site that you should all check out. http://goddess-power.com/hera.htm

Here I found that I am the archetype of Hera

Just a little history on Hera is:

The first encounter between Hera and her husband Zeus, king of all the gods, was in the region of the Hesperides. Hera was not responding to his attempts to seduce her so he resorted to trickery that appealed to Hera's nurturing side. It was winter and Zeus turned himself into a cuckoo that appeared to be frozen from the cold. Hera, feeling sorry for the bird turned to her motherly instincts as she held the bird tightly to her breast to warm it. Zeus then turned himself back into his normal shape and took advantage of the surprised state Hera was in. Unable to fight him off, Hera was raped and then persuaded to marry him to cover her shame. There is lots more to learn and I suggest you check it out.

Lots of love!


I love this word. It is so beautiful to say, and so peaceful. It is full of acceptance.  You have probably heard this word, as it is used in yoga practice.  It is also a common greeting in India.  Translated it means something like:
    The God in me greets the God in you.
The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit
    in you.”   
In other words, it recognizes the equality of all, and pays honor to the sacredness of all.

This to me sums up everything about what The Sacred Village means to us.  We want this to be a place where the spirits inside of each of us can acknowledge and embrace the spirits inside all of you, and vice versa.  We may not all have the same faith, and we may practice it very differently, but it makes them no less meaningful.

My faith is very different from that of my family, and my upbringing.  But that doesn’t take away from the respect I have for it, as it is part of my past. To me, the beliefs may now seem foreign and maybe even silly, but that doesn’t detract from the faith of the believers. 

My mother, for example, once told me that she believed we wouldn’t be together forever, because I am not of the same faith.  She didn’t say this to be mean or hurtful. She said it because she believes it to be true, and it makes her sad.  If she believes with all her heart that that is true, and didn’t even try to convert me back to her faith, then how much could she really love me? The fact that she reaches out to me is only a testament, not only to her faith, but to her love for me as well. 

We may look at each other like we are aliens at times because our differences are so significant on the surface. But if we allow the spirit inside of us to reach out and acknowledge the spirit in others, then we are all speaking the same language. 


OK so I know this like most of my post will sound funny but as always there is a great story to go along with it. This story involves my friendship with Kristina and how cool she really is.

OK picture it the year is 1995 I had braces and spit a lot and she had purple hair. Yes it really was that bad. Anyway to start off I should tell you that I have a hearing disability that I was born with and I only have 13% hearing in my left ear. As a kid this was horrible as I had to wear hearing aids and different devices in school and everyone always looked at me like I was weird. Now this maybe because I was also talking to myself but that is for another time. Well Kristina knew I couldn’t hear well and NEVER made fun of me or even made me feel like I had a disability. She was awesome she even invented this game where I would lay down with my right ear covered and she would speak and I would repeat what I thought she was saying. Which was for the most part always wrong, an example would be like this….

Amanda lying on right ear with eyes closed

Kristina giggling while thinking of something to say

“I love to eat pickles” say Kristina

“I am a dove with a Popsicle” Amanda says

Anyway you get the idea. This went on for years and I always found the game just as funny as Kristina did. Then one day she heard me telling this story to someone else and with the horrified look on their face we both realized this might not seem funny to other people.

OK one more thing before I go, Kristina also cant see very well and that is putting it nicely causes lets face it this girl is BLIND BLIND BLIND and I mean so blind that if she takes out her contacts and your standing in front of her holding and orange she will knock you over trying to figure out how the orange is floating in mid air. This is because she can see colors and oddly nothing else. You can probably imagine the fun we have with each other.

Lots of love!


Don’t forget to come back often as we are updating with all new fabulous thing that you don’t want to miss. 

We have a very special guest post today from the lovely Melissa Placzek. She is one of my favorite authors, and I am honored to call her one of my friends as well!  She wrote two darling books that are a constant source of inspiration to me: Chin Deep in Bubbles and Welcome Home.  You can also read more of her wonderful writing on her blog: ChinDeep

As with our first two wonderful guest bloggers, Melissa has written about her sacred place for us.  Enjoy!!! ~~Kristina

Where is my sacred place? I sort of struggled with answering this question because even though I knew the answer, I was reluctant to submit a sad article. Then I realized, this is my truth, and that's what The Sacred Village is all about. Right? So, here goes.

My first inclination was to write about the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. It has been a special place for me since childhood when my parents would pack whatever junker car we owned at the time to the brim with overnight bags, mismatched towels, pillows, kids and food. We would make the three hour trek from the Twin Cities to a cabin "Up North." It was always fun and special to go hang out at the big lake. We went almost every year when I was growing up. Those memories hold so much nostalgia and happiness for me.

Then in 1987, the summer I was 16, my best friend (also my boyfriend) Dan, got into a horrible motorcycle accident only a few minutes after leaving my house. We had plans later that evening, but the hour he was suppose to arrive came and went and I couldn't understand why he hadn't called me. Then the phone rang. It was his dad telling us that Dan was in the ICU at Ramsey Hospital and that he was in a coma.

I went to visit him every day during that next week, but Dan didn't recover. He passed away August 26th, 1987.

Overwrought with a sadness I had never experienced before, I clearly remember thinking, "So this is what it feels like to get older." And although I couldn't see a change on my face when I looked in the mirror, no wrinkles or grey hairs had appeared, something on the inside of me had changed forever. I suddenly had the urgent awareness that I would not always be young. Everything, at all times, is in a constant state of flux. This felt like a little more wisdom than I wanted at 16, but I have to admit that this realization "It's later than you think" (Socrates) has served me well as an adult. It's the reason I'm not a procrastinator. It's the reason I have two books published. Honestly, it's the reason I've accomplished almost everything I've accomplished.

After Dan died, the only place I  could think of that I wanted to be was sitting on a big rock high above that Lake. So, instead of attending the funeral, my mom took me to Lake Superior so I could begin to heal. And I did.

Nowadays my husband and I take our girls up to the North Shore at least every other year. Whenever I see the first signs of shoreline through the trees I can feel my body sigh. It still has the same calming effect. Like a balm for my soul.

Since I've gotten a little older I've realized that, for me, a sacred place doesn't necessarily have to be a geographical location. It doesn't mean I have to pack up the car so we can drive to a place where my spirit will feel that state of rest. As special to me as the North Shore is, my sacred place is a place I carry with me in my heart. I can draw upon this whenever I need it. It's  watching the fireflies dance in my back yard at night, it's waiting for me on the front porch for me when I step out the front door in the morning sipping my first cup of tea, it's by the shore of the river while watching the sun set, it's on a bench by a fountain, it's in the presence of my best friends and family, holding hands with my husband, hugging my girls, baking bread, taking photographs, gardening. It's here at my desk as I write this to you.

One of the definitions of sacred is: "Things and actions set apart as religious or spiritual which are entitled to reverence."

I love that. Life itself is entitled to this level of reverence, don't you think? I want to experience this sacredness every day. To live my life deliberately, like a prayer.

Hello again from Kristina! I know, by now you think Amanda really started all of this by herself and made me up to share the blame... but that's not entirely true. I actually like to stay out of site so she gets the blame if anything goes wrong! :)
I have been working hard behind the scenes, but will be blogging more and more over time. 

I am working on our first e-book as well. It's one we are both very excited about and know that you will be too!

We have also added a few new tabs to our menu. We now have a section designated for our new advice column, Dear Amanda and Kristina. This is where we will take questions, openly or anonymously, and we will both answer the questions so you get a kind of Dear Abby vs Ann Landers perspective!

We've also added the tab "Gifts From Us to You" which is where we will be posting any fun little printables and free gifts that we create for you. To start off we have one from each of us that we published originally on our personal blogs. They are very dear to our hearts and we want to share them with as many women as possible!

And last but not least... I can find funny pictures to post too!


Kristina ~~

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