Ok by now you have caught on that we do Top Ten Tuesdays.  Well we had a great one ready to go yesterday, and we put a LOT of effort into it.  Then we had technical difficulties... and not only did we not get it up in time... we also lost the whole thing! Grrrrr...
So I did a little magic and a little clickety clackety at my computer... and put this one together in a hurry tonight...
So without further ado......My Top 10 Top of our 10 Pictures... which I have re-captioned for your enjoyment!

Number 10: I can hear a faint heartbeat! Get Dr McDreamy stat!

Number 9:
Just a little adjustment and we'll have your back straight in no time!
(Man I really need an office!)

Number 8:  This is what I propose for the menu at the Luncheaon. What do you mean you had that for breakfast? Oh my gawd... so did I!

Number 7: Do you think he noticed this pimple???

Number 6: See it's much sexier when I talk with my butt than when Jim Carrey did it!

Number 5:
Damn bugs are always sticking to my car right after I wash it!

Number 4: And he was all, "That's not what I meant when I said 'Come on baby light my fire,'! And I was all, 'What EV AHHHH!' And then he like, told the fireman to spray me, and like totally left me there! I just don't understand what went wrong!

Number 3: Look honey! I bedazzled your tighty whiteys!

Number 2:
What new phone?

Number 1:
You said wear my Sunday best. This IS my Sunday best!

Wishing you oodles of love and laughter....

For this week's recipe, I wanted to find something to use up all of the extra zucchini that I have. I found this recipe from Taste of Home, and I will definitely be using it tonight, and often!
Photo by Taste of Home
Beef-Stuffed Zucchini Recipe

  • 4 medium zucchini
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup marinara or spaghetti sauce
  • 1/4 cup seasoned bread crumbs
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided
  • Additional marinara or spaghetti sauce
  • Cut zucchini in half lengthwise; cut a thin slice from the bottom of each with a sharp knife to allow zucchini to sit flat. Scoop out pulp, leaving 1/4-in. shells.
  • Place shells in an ungreased 3-qt. microwave-safe dish. Cover and microwave on high for 3 minutes or until crisp-tender; drain and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook beef and onion over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. Remove from the heat; stir in the egg, marinara sauce, bread crumbs, salt, pepper and 1/2 cup cheese.
  • Spoon about 1/4 cup into each shell. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 4 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Microwave 3-4 minutes longer or until a thermometer inserted into filling reads 160° and zucchini are tender. Serve with additional marinara sauce. Yield: 4 servings.
Editor's Note: This recipe was tested in a 1,100-watt microwave.

Kristina's Note: I am sure that this would be yummy baked in the oven as well!

XOXO Kristina~~~~~~

A while back I saw a gorgeous rainbow while driving to work... and it gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. You might wonder why something so beautiful would make me unhappy? This is something that I have struggled with for a long time now. I grew up LDS, and I grew up with certain items, and topics having certain symbolism and meanings. In LDS as well as Christian teachings the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to never wipe out the earth with a flood as he did in Noah's time. I was taught that every year you see a rainbow, it is not last year of the earth, and it is not the year that Christ will come. As far as teachings go, this isn't a negative one. So you might still be wondering why this would make me unhappy. To me, it is a reminder of the things I grew up learning. Now, I mean no disrespect of any kind to my LDS family, or anyone else. They are wonderful people in general, who have great love and belief in their God. I can't and won't fault that. But for me, remembering the things I learned, good or bad, also remind me of the years of loneliness and shame I felt at never being good enough, and not feeling close to or loved by my God. Since I have found Wicca, and embraced the Goddess, I have felt loved and accepted exactly as I am, not as I should be, perfectly following the tenants of this book of scripture or that. I have made a connection with a higher power that loves me wholly, in my imperfection, and doesn't judge or leave me because of my choices.
I decided that I wanted to learn a new symbolism for rainbows, that will remind me not of my past, but of my present and future. Something that will make my heart happy, and my tummy less grumbly.. :)
I found many beautiful references to rainbows in mythology, but the one I chose is a Sioux belief that rainbows are 'where all the bright flowers stay before and after their brief blooming period on the earth.'

I hope that from now on when I see rainbows, this is what I will remember, and be happy.


Today is Fabulous Friday. We started this special day because we wanted to celebrate all things fabulous. Most especially all the fabulous women that we know. We also want to help women everywhere to acknowledge how fabulous they are. 

This really started out as Amanda's mission on her personal blog, and she has brought that dedication to The Sacred Village.  You may also have noticed that Amanda does the majority of the writing for Fabulous Friday as well. 

Truth? It is because I don't feel very fabulous most of the time.  I hate to admit it, because I believe whole-heartedly in a woman's right to rock the world.  But..... it's easy to single myself out and focus only on the negative. 

I have a certain special talent in that I can twist words that anyone says to me into some new way of insulting me.  Amanda can say, "Don't sit there, that chair is broken"... and I hear "Your fat ass is gonna break my chair!"

An attractive guy say, "I love it when a woman has long hair I can run my fingers through." I will hear" You have short ugly boyish hair and I will never be interested in you or your fat ass!" 
My son can joke with his friends and say, "Your Mama's so fat she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out." and I will only hear, "My mom has a fat ass!"
A stranger in the store can say, "Excuse me, I can't reach the cereal," and I hear, "Hey fatty move it out of the way!"
Or my Sister says to me, "Your hair looks cute today," and I hear, "Wow, that new clown wig finally takes the attention away from that big fat ass!"
My boss can say to me, "How is your day?" and I hear, "Hey fatty whats shakin?"

Do you see a pattern?
I do.
I have an innate ability to twist anything that is said to me into a comment on my size. Which I am obviously VERY conscious of. 
Amanda and I were having a conversation about this the other day. She said something to me that finally sunk in.

"You are so focused on your size that you think that is all anyone can see when they look at you. But that isn't true. There is much more to you than that. You look at a crowded room and think, everyone is going to stare at me. But I look at a crowded room and I see people who love you and are happy to see you."

Ok, I will admit that these are not the exact words she used, but this is what I took from the conversation.  When I look at my friends and family, I don't see size, shape, color, etc. I see individuals that I love and that is all. Well the same is true in reverse.  I am an individual as well. I just happen to come in extra large packaging is all.  Or extra fabulosity.  Because you see, I am effing fabulous, and it's about damn time I figured that out! 

10. Trying to figure out which hand to wave with and which hand to hold your beer will embarrass your child.

9. Getting out in your bathrobe and hair not done is also a NO NO!

8. Dressing like your still in high school is like so totally not cool!

7. Dressing your child in clothes of the opposite sex will make them feel wrong.

6. Knowing when your child is to old is always good.

5. Forcing your child to give you a kiss goodbye will get him teased at school and he will not like you very much either.

4. Spitting in your hand and wiping it on your kids hair is not only gross but embarrassing.

3. Running over parents and children in the school parking lot is not funny! It is illegal!

2. Giving your child a wedgie is never OK even if all the kids are doing it.

1. Yelling after your kids is embarrassing for them but yelling "DID YOU CLEAN YOUR BUTT" will probably make them run away.

Keep the personal stuff at home.

My beautiful plate of food that I scarfed in minutes!
This is a recipe that I shared on my other blog, Domesticated Gypsy.  I loved it last year, and I love it even more now! It is a way to make a perfect roasted chicken with very little work on your part! Now that Fall is arriving, a lovely warm meal of roasted chicken and veggies with stuffing really hits the spot!

Whole Chicken Crock Pot Recipe

Tender, fall-off-the-bone chicken! Skip the overnight refrigeration if you are in a hurry. For variety, eliminate the onion and substitute a quartered lemon or two, stuffed into the chicken cavity.
  • 4 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 teaspoon white pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 large roasting chicken (with pop-up timer if possible)
  • 1 cup onion, chopped (optional)
  1. In a small bowl, combine the spices.
  2. Remove any giblets from chicken and clean chicken.
  3. Rub spice mixture onto the chicken.
  4. Place in resealable plastic bag and refrigerate overnight. (I usually skip this step because I'm always in a hurry).
  5. When ready to cook, put chopped onion in bottom of crock pot.
  6. Add chicken. No liquid is needed, the chicken will make it's own juices.
  7. Cook on low 4-8 hours.
  8. Check for pinkness near the breast bone, and enjoy!

My instinct was to add liquid to the crock pot, because I was certain I would screw this up! But I went with the recipe as is.... and was surprised and delighted with a perfectly cooked chicken!  The first time I made it I used peeled pearl onion, carrots and chopped celery instead of chopped onions. Then I made some chicken flavored stuffing to go with it and it was a warm yummy plate of num num numness! I highly suggest you try it! You will thank me later!

XOXO Kristina ~~~~~~

I pulled this post off my personal Irish Goddess Blog that I don't really write on anymore. This happened a while back but it still is one of my fondest moments so I figured I would share it with you.

OK so I had to add this because Kristina and I were talking about beliefs today at the farmers market. I came a crossed this lady who was selling those rocks that have little motivational sayings on them and they had a ton of different ones and I was trying to find one I wanted. The lady asked me if I was looking for something specific or something that grabbed me. I told her I was looking for something that grabbed me and that when I told Kristina that through out my search for my true beliefs I go where I am pulled and not where I am told. She loved that and told me I should add it on here because it was good. Oh and by the way I picked a long skinny purple giggle rock. I thought it fit me.
Odessa, Washington became a community of predominantly Germans, emigrating from Russia to the USA in the late 1800's and into the early 1900's. In 1971 the Odessa Chamber of Commerce decided to try a community festival celebrating this German heritage; thus, giving birth to the "Odessa Deutschesfest." What started as a simple idea has grown into an area-wide celebration, hosting thousands of visitors with locally made German foods and around-the-clock entertainment.

A big part of the success of the festival was the formation of a German Band, named the "Oom Pa's and Ma's," specializing in polkas and waltzes. In 1971, the first band consisted of 9 members and played before a packed Bier Garten. The band has grown to as many as 27 members playing for thousands of listeners and dancers yearly. The band consists of both local and regional musicians; some traveling great distances from their communities- Over the years, 75 different musicians have been a part of the "Oom Pa's and Ma's." Many long minutes of practice are held every year to prepare for the “Fest.” Business people, farmers, teachers, home makers, etc., put on their musical hats and meet in Odessa to hone their instrumental skills. The "Oom Pa's and Ma's" have played internationally and for numerous community fairs, festivals and special events.
Odessa Washington is a very small town and Kristina and I came upon it one day as we were traveling to a bigger city. We came into this town and instantly fell in love. Its clean and so pretty and the cost of housing is phenomenal. Kristina and I both swore that one day we would move there. I don't think this will actually happen since we love it where we are, but I wouldn't mind one day buying a house there as a place to escape from the pressures of daily life. 

Stop by their website and if you ever get the chance to travel to Washington, you must take a drive by Odessa.
I'm a Wife, Mother, Grandmother. I wake up every day, just like
everyone else. Pay bills, do laundry, cook meals, same as everyone
else. Im pretty much just like any other normal American woman out
there. Except for one thing...I'm not like everyone else. I'm a Pagan.

Now before anyone starts calling for an old Priest & a young Priest to
pray the Devil from me, let me explain. Paganism has brought me closer
to what I call "The Divine" (you may call him God) than anything else
ever has.  Paganism, frankly, has nothing at all to do with the evil &
the Devil & everything to do with goodness & love.

I came from a devout Christian background my entire life. I went to
church every Sunday, read every book of the Bible & was even a
"Missionette" in the Assembly of God church (Christian Girl Scouts as
it were). But I always felt this pull to something more. I always had
questions, always wanted deeper explanations of the Word, wanted to
learn about others beliefs & wanted to know more about this God
person. Unfortunately, I was usually met with the answer, "Just have
faith. Some things we're not meant to know. Christianity is the only
true word of God so don't worry about other faiths." Well that never
settled right with me.

I've always had the ability to interpret dreams & sense other worldly
things. Of course I was told that was "of the Devil" & I would go to
Hell & burn for eternity if I continued. I assumed something was wrong
with me, & not wanting to toil away in Hell, I ignored it...but my
abilities & questions wouldn't ignore me.

I raised my children, retired from my job & made plans to just live my
life the way I had always been expected to. Then I found a website
that talked about 'Paganism.' The light bulb went off & exploded, all
the bells started ringing & fell off their strings & a choir sang out
in one continuous note...This is me! This is what I've been all along.
Here are the answers I've been searching for my entire life! There's
Nothing wrong with me after all!

Paganism to me, teaches us that all things created, big & small, are
all interconnected one to the other. Humans, plants, streams, the sky,
the wind, everything. Paganism teaches us to respect all things in
this life & to honor their purpose. That we all have a reason to be
here & that "The Divine" wants us to co-exist & love all of creation.
Paganism teaches us that if we do this (respect, honor & love all
things), our lives will be rich, full & blessed. Doesn't sound like a
"Hell bound" faith to me.

Now don't get me wrong, being Pagan isn't easy. It's not the norm,
it's not "mainstream," and it's certainly not widely accepted. But at
some point in our lives, we have to do what's right for us & live
according to who we really are inside. I just recently did that. I
came out of the "Broom Closet" to my family just a few days ago & you
know what...it was liberating. To finally not hide who I truly am &
live my life freely is a wonderful feeling.

I still have a lot to learn but I look forward to the journey. Just
make sure you understand one thing. Not everyone will embrace your new
found path, most definitely some will damn you for it. But always be
kind in the face of adversity, love those who persecute you & simply
tell those people that do those things, "I have a great respect for
what you believe. I only ask that you do the same for me because I
love you very much."

Love & Light to you all & Blessed Be! )O(

Deb C.
This post is very personal to me as it reminds me of my life and beliefs. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and everyone else.
To find more information on Autumn Wind go check out her face book page.

Lots of love

10 Things NOT to Do at a PTA Meeting

Number 10: Hitting on a PTA Dad!

Number 9: Dress in your "Going Out" clothes!

Number 8:
Suggest a beer garden for the Harvest Festival Fundraiser!

Number 7:  Suggest Exotic Dancing lessons as an after school activity!

Number 6:
Ask the other PTA Mom's about their sex lives!

Number 5: Swear!
(Just because you smile when you say it doesn't make it okay!)

Number 4: Challenging the PTA President is one thing

But following through with your right hook is OVER THE LINE!

Number 3: Use the school's office supplies inappropriately!

*Number 2: Suggest auctioning off the "bad kids" for fundraising money!*

*All items used are props and no alcohol was actually used.

NUMBER 1: Referring to the children as the little assholes will get you fired from the PTA every time!

Lots of love from your friendly neighborhood spider girl! AKA Kristina ~~~~

*All items used are props and no alcohol was actually used.

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